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Charging Pump Win Gold Medal IFME 2018

2019-01-30 14:17:53 142


Charging Pump Win Gold Medal IFME 2018

近日,中国通用机械工业协会举办的“2018第九届中国(上海)国际流体机械展览会(IFME)” 在上海世博展览馆隆重开幕,重泵公司产品核电上充泵参展。展会期间进行了参展展品评比活动,专家从设计水平、工艺水平、外观质量、应用领域的重要程度等各方面进行全面评比,公司参展产品核电上充泵在众参展产品中脱颖而出,荣获此次展会展品金奖。

Recently, the 9th China (Shanghai) International Fluid Machinery Exhibition (IFME) was held by China General Machinery Industry Association in Shanghai World Expo Exhibition Hall. CQPI’s charging pump was shown in the exhibition. During the exhibition, the experts made a comprehensive evaluation for charging pump exhibit from the aspects of design level, process level, appearance quality, and the importance of application field. Finally, CQPI’s charging pump won the gold medal of the exhibits.(GQL)