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​Order of Chad: ORYX Oilfield

2019-01-21 23:00:06 271


Order of Chad: ORYX Oilfield 

(YYG/CQPI) 岁末年初,市场部外贸处传来喜讯,历经多轮竞争,公司最终中标华油惠博普(HBP)非洲乍得ORYX油田开发项目,供货范围包括输油、注水主泵,以及线上油料进给、污水处理、补料增压等全系辅助泵类近30台套。在公司油田注水泵传统业绩优势基础上,本次中标新添输油泵范围及辅助泵全系,充分体现项目业主OPIC及总包方HBP对重泵在油气行业泵类系统供应商全面性能突出表现的充分信任和认可。

Good news from market year-end and new beginning, after rounds of competition, CQPI finally won the bid for order of Chad ORYX oilfield from HBP, the EPCI contractor. Scope of supply includes main pumps of oil transfer and water inject, as well as auxiliary pumps of online feed pump, booster pump, sewage water pump, around 30 units in total. Besides the CQPI conventional strength in oilfield water injection pump, this order gives highlights on crude oil transfer as well as complete range of pumps as a system supplier for CQPI, which also reflects full confidence and good recognition from OPIC and HBP, the Project Owner and the EPCIC Contractor.



HBP is a global professional EPCIC contractor for oil and gas field development. HBP won the bid of Chad ORYX oilfield, scheduling for initial oil output end of 2019.