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  • Special Focus on VGO Pump 2- Excellent Performance Index

    喜讯: VGO加氢裂化进料泵的性能参数指标优秀Special Focus on VGO Pump 2- Excellent Performance IndexOn June 12, 2020, VGO Hydrocracking Feed Pump (SDT70-300) produced by CQPI was put into operation successfully. After run

    2020-07-22 13:48:46 112
  • "Employee Care " Healthy Exam

    公司开展“关爱职工”健康体检"Employee Care " Healthy ExamDuring 22th-24th June, CQPI carried out the health exam for all employees, and over 10 items to be examed.     6月22起,公司组织全厂职工开展一年一度的

    2020-07-22 13:47:58 113
  • VGO Hydrocracking Feed Pump Startup

    喜讯: VGO加氢裂化进料泵一次性开车投运VGO Hydrocracking Feed Pump Startup On 12th June, 2020, Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum Anyuan Chemical Co., Ltd. awards an honor “Exquisite Technology and Considerate Service&quo

    2020-07-09 10:46:46 134
  • New Order of Water Injection Pump in Middle East

    成功中标中东油田注水泵New Order of Water Injection Pump in Middle East近日,我司成功中标俄罗斯卢克石油公司在中东某油田的高压注水泵项目。Recently, CQPI won the bid of high pressure water injection pump of Russia Lukoil, for its project of Middle

    2020-06-30 08:58:00 112
  • CNOOC Water Injection Pump Unit Delivery

    重泵公司3台ZDP150-185型注水泵成功交付CNOOC Water Injection Pump Unit Delivery重泵公司设计、制造的3台ZDP150-185型注水泵在经过专家组见证下的出厂性能试验后,于5月12日全部完工,启运中海油现场。Three sets of ZDP150-185 type water injection pump designed and manufactu

    2020-06-23 16:19:51 128
  • Delivery of CNOOC Super HP Water Injection Pump

    中海油超高压注水泵成功交付Delivery of CNOOC Super HP Water Injection PumpRecently, 3 sets of BB3 series super high pressure oil field water injection pump designed and manufactured by CQPI have been delivered succ

    2020-06-11 15:00:27 113
  • Completion of Nuclear Charging Pump

    重泵公司又一核电项目上充泵完成交付Completion of Nuclear Charging PumpOn 25th March, the last set nuclear II charging pump for Tianwan nuclear power unit #5 & #6 of Jiangsu Nuclear Power Co., LTD completed 72 hours

    2020-05-20 18:02:43 110
  • Success of POSCO Descaling System Commissioning

    Success of POSCO Descaling System Commissioning喜讯:韩国POSCO二期除鳞系统调试成功On 25th April, CQPI received information from POSCO that commission of pumps for POSCO Guangyang descaling system was concluded, whic

    2020-04-29 13:49:56 131
  • Love to Overseas Customers

    Currently, COVID-19 virus is spreading around the world. CQPI Leaders and marketing staff pay much attention to the development of the epidemic situation, communicate and interact with overseas custom

    2020-04-20 09:23:24 108
  • Factory Inspection by TUV

    近日,TUV公司受一国际知名石油企业委托,派来高级别的专职人员对我司进行了第三方验厂工作,旨在批准我司成为其关键泵的合格供应商。Recently, TUV Company was entrusted by an international famous oil company to send senior professional personnel to conduct third-party

    2020-03-30 16:55:38 138
  • Big Order from Nuclear Power Pumps

    On 23th March, CQPI won the international bidding organized by China Nuclear Energy Industry Corp. for a batch of nuclear II charging pumps and boron injection pumps, which will be used in units

    2020-03-30 16:54:53 132
  • First oversea order delivered after resuming work

    3月3日,重泵公司承制的印度尼西亚某知名钢企14套锅炉给水泵组顺利交付。On 3th March, CQPI delivered 14 sets BFW pump unit for a famous steel mill in Indonesia.锅炉给水泵是重泵公司采用高效水力模型、降振轴承体和自平衡结构自主专利技术进行设计产品,各项指标符合国际知名的API610标准。该泵组是用于电厂锅炉房的重

    2020-03-11 08:46:03 397