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  • Turbomachinery Pump Symposia & Exhibition

    Chongqing Pump Industry Co., Ltd. took part in Symposia & Exhibition: Sept. 18 –20, 2018 at George R. Brown Convention Center, Houston, TX.Turbomachinery &Pump Symposia (TPS) is a vital indust

    2018-09-26 16:56:53 159
  • Charging Pump Factory Acceptance Test

    Recently, charging pump of HPR1000(Hua-long Pressurized Reactor)has been passed through Factory Acceptance Test successfully. Charging pump is key nuclear safety pump in HPR1000 project. The function

    2018-09-26 16:46:32 105
  • 安标国家矿用产品评审 National Mine Product Appraisal

    8月13日,安标国家矿用产品安全标志中心成立检查组对我公司安全标志进行现场评审。检查组分别就我公司的煤矿井下压裂泵组的人员资质、人员培训、技术文件管理、供方管理、生产过程控制、检验和测试、产品一致性、产品标识等进行审核。 On 13th August, National Mine Product Safety Mark Center inspection team conducted on-sit

    2018-08-31 11:17:31 108
  • 中广核质量管理评估 CNPEC Quality Assessment

    8月7日至10日,中广核工程有限公司质量专家组对重泵开展二方质量管理评估,涉及公司领导力、文化建设、项目管理、研发、现场检验、风险管理、试验控制、过程控制、人力资源管理、班组管理、供应链管理等各个方面。On 7th-10th, August 2018, the expert team from China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd. (CNPEC) ca

    2018-08-28 10:16:38 134
  • 两型新产品通过国家级鉴定 Two New Products Passing National Appraisal

    8月17日,重泵公司研发的“多级涡壳离心输送泵、长距离高扬程输送泵”顺利通过中国机械工业联合会和中国通用机械工业协会组织的新产品专家鉴定。On 17th August 2018, the "Multi-Stage Volute Centrifugal Transfer Pump and Long-Distance High-Head Transfer Pump" develop

    2018-08-24 13:45:12 206
  • PAU Qualification from Uganda

    重泵获取乌干达油气准入许可UGANDA: PAU QUALIFICATION TO CQPI 近日,乌干达石油管理局对重泵签发2018油气物资服务供应资质许可,标志着重泵正式获取乌干达油气市场准入通行证。The Petroleum Authority of Uganda(PAU) recently issued the qualification certificate to Chong

    2018-07-25 15:30:49 156
  • 6S Management

    Company 6S management project was launched on May 14 officially. More than 130 employees participated in this meeting. Mr.Li Fangzhong (Chairman & GM) hopes to improve company quality, management

    2018-05-29 14:38:31 139
  • May 1st Labor Medal

    Chongqing municipal International Workers’ Day celebration was held on April 26. Chongqing Pump Industry Co., Ltd. was won May 1st Labor Medal issued by Chongqing general union. Chongqing general unio

    2018-05-24 14:12:44 98
  • Chongqing Top 100 Patent Enterprises

    In the afternoon of April 20, Chongqing’s top 100 patent enterprises in 2018 was released by Guangdong ZhongCe Intellectual Property Research Institute, Chongqing Intellectual Property Information Cen

    2018-05-07 16:29:54 131
  • New Order of 8 Diaphragm Pumps

    Recently, CQPI won a bid of eight diaphragm pumps successfully, the contract amount is nearly 8 million RMB, which realized the second cooperation with the non-ferrous metal company in Zhejiang provin

    2018-04-04 13:16:32 257
  • National Innovation Model

    On November 23, 2017, the declaration of national technology innovation demonstration enterprise has been approved by the National industrial and information office and CQPI was awarded the title

    2018-04-04 11:49:59 197

    DANIELI (CHINA) VISITOn March 21st, the delegates led by Mr. Fraguia Davide from Danieli China visits Chongqing Pump Industry Co., Ltd.(CQPI). Mr. Li Fangzong, the Board Chairman & General Manager

    2018-04-04 08:46:06 165